We must leave this world behind

A Spiritual Reflection: “In his “Final Testament” to his brothers, St. Francis of Assisi taught that part of conversion involves “leaving the world.” He said, “I tarried for a little while, and then I finally left the world.” Most of us are still tarrying. We haven’t left the world, and we don’t want to. We’ve partly embraced our Christian vocation, but we really haven’t immersed ourselves in Jesus Christ. In fact, sometimes we belong more to the world than to the kingdom of God. . .Many of us spend a good deal of our lives accumulating stuff. What the “stuff” is will differ from person to person. Yet at the end of our lives, it’s all finally the same junk. It piles up in bookcases, in garages, in boxes in the attic, in the secret places of our souls. As life’s evening sets in, we see the need to begin to detach. The things we’ve accumulated are distractions. They should become less and less important. We need to strip them away – the layers of our life – until, at the very end, all that is left is God and us.”

– Archbishop Charles Chaput

Quote of the Day

” At this moment it seems as though science will never be able to raise the curtain on the mystery of creation. For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”

-Robert Jastrow
(Agnostic astronomer and physicist)

O, let us not waste our time! – St. Therese of Lisieux

“We have only short moments of this life to work for God.  The devil knows this and that is why he tries to make us waste time in useless things.  O, let us not waste our time!  Let us save souls!  Souls are falling into hell innumerable as the flakes of snow on a winter day.  Jesus weeps!  Instead of consoling Him we are brooding over our own sorrows . . . There is only one thing to do during the brief day, or rather, night of this life:  Love Jesus with all the strength of your heart and save souls for Him, so that He may be loved!”

-St. Therese of Lisieux

Quote of the Day – Fr. James V. Schall, S.J.

Lacking the pleasure of intellectual delight, we tend to seek a kind of pleasure that knows nothing of the intrinsic  purpose of knowledge.  Our minds do seek to know.  What is perhaps unique about Christianity is that it is a revelation that unabashedly  also addresses itself to intellect.   It recognizes that everyone, philosopher or not,  needs to be properly directed to the highest things, that to which we are ordered in the very structure of our being.  We also need first to be receivers, to be open to what is not ourselves so that we are able to respond to what is.

– Fr. James V. Schall
“The Life of the Mind. On the Joys and Travails of Thinking”