Rockford Bishop Doubles Down Against Tradition

The lefties are still in charge….they won’t let us forget!

liturgy guy


Bishop David J. Malloy has doubled down against our Catholic liturgical tradition under the false banner of unity. As noted today by Fr. Z at his site:

In this letter, a follow up to their diocesan “Presbytery Day” (where he spoke to them about “challenges”), the bishop writes:

“Following that talk, I write now to ask for your cooperation on several matters that have since been referred to me in connection with my comments last September:

First, as I noted at that time, we are all aware of the on-going discussion surrounding the celebration of the Mass “ad orientem”. However, for the reasons I discussed at that time, and in order to underscore our unity in prayer and to avoid differences between and even within parishes on this point, I ask that no Masses be celebrated “ad orientem” without my permission.”

Of course this move, which runs contrary to…

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The Effects of the Protestant Revolt

This blog recommends a book titled “An Essay on the Economic Effects of the Reformation” by George O’Brien.  We will begin posting quotes from the book.  Here is the first:

The division of History into organic and critical periods we owe to Saint Simon.  During the organic periods mankind accepts with firm conviction some positive Creed while during the critical periods men lose their old convictions without attaining any new ones of a general authoritative character. The organic period of Christianity came to an end, and the critical period began, at the Reformation, when the authority of the Church was assailed and the reign of private judgment inaugurated. . . This critical phase has lasted for 400 years, and it will continue until a new organic period can be begun by the universal.acceptance of some common creed.  The discovery of that creed is man’s capital task today.  Ever since the reformation, the old foundations of European life have been attacked by successive waves, first of protestantism, and then of rationalism, until society has arrived at its present chaotic, formless, distracted condition. . .

There is one institution alone which is capable of supplying and enforcing the social ethic that is needed to reviving the world.   It is an institution at once intra-national and international; an institution that can claim to pronounce infallible on moral matters, and enforce the observance of its moral decrees by direct sanctions on the individual conscience of man; an institution which, while respecting and supporting the civil governments of nations, can claim to exist independently of them, and can insist that they shall not intrude upon the moral life or fetter the moral liberty of their citizens.   Europe possessed such an institution in the Middle Ages; it’s dethrone mentioned was the unique achievement of the reformation; and the injury inflicted by that dethronement has never since been repaired.
(The institution he is referring to is of course Holy Mother Church)

Bishop Schneider Offers Hope

From: One Peter Five As the ecclesiastical crisis continues to deepen in 2017, I have found myself facing a certain exhaustion; a feeling that, while knowing the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church, that Christ will have the final victory, there is no respite from the near-constant series of assaults from the […]

via Bishop Schneider Offers Hope Amidst Crisis Permitted by “Divine Providence” —

I Saw Three Trucks Come Sailin’ In


Image result for saint anthony of padua art

Put understatedly, Christmas is a special time.  We Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, “the only Man born to die,” as Archbishop Fulton Sheen has said.  It is normally a time of great celebration.  We envision Saint Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary flanking our infant Lord and Saviour, in the wider context of a Bethlehem country stable, “because there was no room for them at the inn.”  We as Americans traditionally associate with this holiday (or, Holy Day) events ranging from family attendance at Midnight Liturgies, turkey dinners round grandma’s table with the extended family, unwrapping presents in some large living room with It’s a Wonderful Life in the background, and collective familial hopes for the coming new year.

For us truckers, Christmas can be different, and I found this out quite personally a few weeks ago.  Let’s talk about it; about the gift of Christmas to this…

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One Priest’s Battle Plan for 2017

liturgy guy

imageThe following guest post is by Father Kyle Doustou, a priest of the Diocese of Portland, Maine. 

Friends, we have now entered the year of grace 2017. For whatever reason, I feel it deep within my bones that this year is going to be very challenging, for the Church and for the world. So let’s not take a single moment of this new year for granted and use every second we have been given to grow closer to Christ.

Some basic, practical suggestions:

If you don’t pray, start. If you do pray, pray more. Beef up your devotional life.

If you don’t fast, start. If you do fast, fast more. Strengthen your will. Get better at saying “no” to your appetites and passions.

If you’re lax about Mass attendance, get your priorities straight. Go every Sunday and Holy Day – nothing is more important. Nothing.

If you don’t go to…

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