Exorcist alerts Irish bishops to an alarming increase in evil activity

Catholicism Pure & Simple

From LifeSiteNews:

DUBLIN, Ireland, January 26, 2018

A renowned Irish exorcist called upon his country’s bishops to provide more backup in dealing with an “exponential” surge of evil.

Father Pat Collins wrote an open letter to Church hierarchy in which he also reported seeing a parallel between the increase in evil activity with a growing apostasy within the Church.

“As this has happened,” he wrote, “there has been increasing evidence of the malicious activity of the evil one.”

The Irish priest reported being flooded almost daily with desperate people asking for his help in handling what they believe to be demonic possession and other evil activity.

Father Collins said he was “baffled” the Irish bishops aren’t doing more to designate priests to address the various inquiries, The Irish Catholicreported, which include people declaring supernatural encounters, being pulled from their beds and also out-and-out possession.

Father Collins noted that…

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January 21 – Saint Agnes, Virgin & Martyr

†The Ecu-Men†


How rich is the constellation of Martyrs, which shines in this portion of the sacred Cycle. Yesterday, we had St. Sebastian; to-morrow, we shall be singing the name which means Victory, for it is the Feast of Vincent; and now, to-day, between these two rich palm-branches, we are rejoiced with the lovely rose and lily-wreath of Agnes. It is to a girl of thirteen that our Emmanuel gave this stern courage of martyrdom, which made her meet the enemy with as bold a front as either the valiant Captain of the pretorian band or the dauntless Deacon of Saragossa. If they are the soldiers of Jesus, she is his tender and devoted Spouse. These are the triumphs of the Son of Mary! Scarcely has he shown himself to the world, and lo! every noble heart flies towards him, according to that word of his: Wheresoever the body shall be, there…

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