Suffering — SWORDS of Truth

Pain and suffering are often peoples’ biggest obstacle to faith. “If there is a God, why does he let us suffer?” They conclude there is no God, or that he doesn’t care about us. Chris Stefanick points us to the truth revealed on the cross, that God is love, and suffers for us, and with […]

via Suffering — SWORDS of Truth

You can Break Your Porn Addiction

Porn is the biggest, yet unspoken, health crisis of our time. Porn use is prevalent among most criminals and terrorists. Please don’t act like a criminal or terrorist by using porn. The article below will help.


Internet Custody of the Eyes: A Way to Break Gripping Porn Addiction

Internet Custody of the Eyes: A Way to Break Gripping Porn Addiction

July 27, 2016

Custody of the eyes is the ancient practice of keeping the eyes averted so that they don’t stumble upon impure or otherwise inappropriate images or, once stumbling upon something impure, quickly averting the eyes. For example you might see a young lady or young man dressed in immodest attire and you quickly avert your gaze.

Saint Alphonsus Liguori said that:

“To avoid the sight of dangerous objects, the saints were accustomed to keep their eyes almost continually fixed on the earth, and to abstain even from looking at innocent objects.”
Although custody of the eyes is something usually discussed among men because men are so visual, women should be vigilant as well.

What is Internet Custody of the Eyes?

What I’m calling “internet custody of the eyes” is the act of doing whatever it takes for your eyes to not land or linger on inappropriate images and video.

I first learned the importance of internet filtering software when my 8 year old and I stumbled upon a bestiality image on the computer. I was absolutely horrified and I really couldn’t think of how to explain it to her. I pray that God wiped that image from her mind.

The horrific thing is that porn is so pervasive that 32% of boys and 18% of girls have seen bestiality online.

Here Are Some More Troubling Statistics About Children & Porn

83% of boys and 57% of girls have seen group sex online
9/10 boys are exposed to pornography before age 18
6/10 girls are exposed to pornography before age 18
9 out of 10 boys are exposed to pornography before the age of 18.
The first exposure to pornography among men is12 years old, on average.
71% of teens hide online behavior from their parents.
28% of 16-17 year olds have been unintentionally exposed to porn online.
20% of 16-year-olds and 30% of 17-year-oldshave received a sext.
Porn addiction in Marriage

You would think Christians are not affected by pornography. Think again.

64% of Christian men and 15% of Christian women say they watch porn at least once a month.
70% of wives of sex addicts could be diagnosed with PTSD.
A study by Proven Men Ministries found that 7% of males admit to viewing porn several times a day, compared to one percent among Christian females.
Men who struggle with purity find themselves in a cycle of shame, confession, hope and shame again. They pray and pray but find themselves falling into the same porn addiction repeatedly. This greatly affects the relationship between the addict and the spouse who is trying to make it work. It is a cross.

Of Phone And Porn

To make it worse, pornographic imagery is not only available through computers, but adult content black iphonesites are easily accessible through smartphones. It’s a bit easier to hide what you’re doing on a phone because you could be doing a variety of things including texting, playing games and shopping. It is common to be on one’s phone late into the evening, while in bed. Lots of kids have phones under the age of 10.

So What is a Struggling Catholic Porn Addict to do?

Fortunately, there are products on the market that help with control and accountability when it comes to internet porn.

Filtering software

Filtering software blocks inappropriate content based on age range. It can also be used for adults too.

Parents can easily adjust the filter’s sensitivity as their kids grow older, meaning the Filter grows with them.
Adults can have the Filter Guardian set the Filter to block only highly mature websites as an extra layer of protection, and can even ask for override rights.
Accountability Software

What if you could send a report of your Internet activity to a friend or mentor so you could discuss your online struggles? Would you like to see the sites your kids visit, the YouTube videos they watch, and the search terms they use? That’s possible too.

This type of accountability is obviously good for discussions with children, but it also helps deal with pornography use within marriage. If a partner knows he will need to explain why he went to a site, he is less likely to click on inappropriate material. It builds trust with the non-addict spouse, that the porn addict is willing to work with the spouse to fight this temptation.

Where Can I Get This Type of Software?

If you’ve been thinking about buying internet accountability software, you should check out Covenant Eyes below. They are a Christian company and are a great contributor in the fight against porn addiction. The software makes internet custody of the eyes a no-brainer.

Want to find out how to obtain Internet Accountability And Filtering Software?

Covenant Eyes Learn More Button

Other Resources

I will be adding more resources to this page, so please check back periodically.

Free E-book Downloads memorae

The Porn Circuit: Free E-book on the Science of Porn Use
Understand your brain and break porn habits in 90 days.
Pornography Statistics
250+ Facts, Quotes, and Statistics About Pornography Use (2015 Edition)
Parenting the Internet Generation
A Blueprint for Teaching Digital Discernment

Quote of the Day – Pope St. Pius X

“That the State must be separated from the Church is a thesis absolutely false, a most pernicious error. Based, as it is, on the principle that the State must not recognize any religious cult, it is in the first place guilty of a great injustice to God; for the Creator of man is also the Founder of human societies, and preserves their existence as He preserves our own. We owe Him, therefore, not only a private cult, but a public and social worship to honor Him. Besides, this thesis is an obvious negation of the supernatural order… Hence the Roman Pontiffs have never ceased, as circumstances required, to refute and condemn the doctrine of the separation of Church and State.” (Pope Saint Pius X “Vehementer Nos” section 3: On the relationship between Church and State)

*Don’t miss the ultimate point of prayer (and our very existence) — Taking Life, Love and Faith Seriously

If you read this post on Msgr. Pope’s blog, you will find many of his other outstanding reflections. For your convenience it is copied below with his kind permission. Three Teachings from the Lord on Prayer By Msgr. Charles Pope (posted with permission – source) Last week’s Gospel featured the Lord insisting that prayer was […]

via *Don’t miss the ultimate point of prayer (and our very existence) — Taking Life, Love and Faith Seriously

The Liturgy Guy – Why Silence is Important to the Mass

We love silence. So does God. Which is why the Traditional Latin Mass, as so much silence. Only in silence can you hear God speak with you…and your Guardian Angel! Give the Traditional Latin Mass several tries. You and your family won’t be let down. Please read another find blog post from the Liturgy Guy’s blog.


I remember the general quiet and stillness associated with test taking back when I was in school. Everyone understood the necessity of maintaining silence in order to allow for each student to achi…

Source: Why Silence is Important to the Mass