Father Jerzy Popieluszko, Murdered by the Communists 19 October 1984

Catholicism Pure & Simple

From Facebook: Venite Prandete – “Come and Eat”

Pope John Paul II said of him; “He died for us, like Christ.”

Popieluszko was the son of farmers in a simple village in Poland under the repressive totalitarian rule of the Soviet State. He served his army duty, (2 years compulsory service), segregated into a special force which was aimed to deter vocations to the priesthood; the Soviet methods were to humiliate the prospective priests and seminarians. Lawrence Reed, in his short biography of Father Popieluszko, stated that Popieluszko, “openly disdained the army’s coercive atheistic indoctrination. Obedient he was – but not to the authorities.

For refusing to relinquish the cross he wore around his neck, he was forced to stand all night at attention, barefoot in the snow. From such frequent cruelty, he emerged with his health permanently damaged, but his spirits higher than ever. The experience reinforced his life’s…

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