A Poem by Hilaire Belloc 

Catholicism Pure & Simple

Our Lord and Our Lady

They warned Our Lady for the Child
That was Our Blessed Lord,
And She took Him into the desert wild,
Over the camel’s ford.

And a long song She sang to Him
And a short story told:
And she wrapped Him in a woollen cloak
To keep Him from the cold.

But when Our Lord was grown a man
The rich they dragged Him down,
And they crucified Him in Golgotha,
Out and beyond the town.

They crucified Him on Calvary,
Upon an April day;
And because He had been Her little Son
She followed Him all the way.

Our Lady stood beside the Cross,
A little space apart,
And when She heard Our Lord cry out
A sword went through her heart.

They laid Our Lord in a marble tomb,
Dead, in a winding sheet.
But Our Lady stands above the world
With the…

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The Vaxed Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost (AND SOME TO DIE)!

Catholicism Pure & Simple

From Les Femmes – The Truth:

Some “medical professionals” think all the negative data coming out about the jab is just one big conspiracy theory from a bunch of ignorant, mentally ill folks wearing tin hats.They seem to believe that the only doctors who arerealmedical professionals (besides themselves) are the onestheyagree with …like Dr. Fauci. No matter how impressive the credentials of other medical professionals, they are dismissed as quacks and cranks.

That is the new DR. FAUCI SCIENCE. Don’t question the non-practicing guru who hasn’t worked with patients in decades. You question him, you are a science denier!

No matter how much data and research reveal the link between the jab (It’s not a vaccination!) and physical damage, even death, to those who receive it; the true believers continue to beat the drum. Take the jab! Wear a mask! Wear two masks, wear three!…

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May 14 – St Boniface, Martyr

†The Ecu-Men†


The Apostle of the Gentiles, explaining the mystery of the Pasch, tells us, that Baptism is the sepulcher of our sins, and that we rise from it together with our Redeemer, having our souls radiant with the life of grace. (Romans 6) Our holy faith teaches us, that he who gives his life for Christ or his Church, washes away, in his own blood, every stain from his soul, and rises to life everlasting: it is as though he received a second Baptism, which reproduces all the effects belonging to the great Sacrament of Regeneration. We have, today, a sinner, who being purified by martyrdom and re-baptized in his own blood, is numbered among the privileged ones who share in the glory of our Risen Jesus. Boniface, by his immoralities, had scandalized the city where he lived; but his repentance was most complete. He longed to suffer the…

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May 7 – St Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr

†The Ecu-Men†

St Stanislaus, BMThe 11th Century—the Century of contest between the Priests of the Church and Barbarism—deputes today another Martyr to our Risen Jesus. It is Stanislaus, loved by noble Poland as one of her chief protectors. He was slain at the Altar by a Christian Prince whom he had reproved for his crimes. The blood of the courageous Pontiff was mingles, and in the same sacrifice, with that of our Redeemer. What an invincible energy there is in these Lambs whom Jesus has sent amidst the wolves! (Matthew 10:16) They seem to be changes, all at once, into Lions, like Jesus himself was, at his Resurrection. There is not a Century that has not had its Martyrs: some for the Faith, others for the unity of the Church, others for her Liberty, others for Justice, others for Charity, and others, like our great Saint of today, for the maintenance…

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Attending Mass has become a CRIMINAL OFFENCE in Ireland

Catholicism Pure & Simple

CP&S comment. If this is not a tragic sign of these wicked times we are living in, then what is? The country, once known as the Island of Saints, Catholic Ireland, has locked the doors of her churches to the celebration of Holy Mass and other sacraments. She held out for centuries under great persecution and suffering from the cruel Penal Laws imposed by Henry VIII and his brood, during years of famine, strife and sorrows, but when the 1960s arrived with its growing prosperity and Vatican II, Catholic Ireland started to collapse. So now, after 50+ years of backsliding into consumerism and worldliness, together with an aggressive revisionism and growing antagonism towards her heroic Catholic heritage, Ireland has become a secular country. Some say, even a mostly anti-Catholic one!

The godless Irish government considers priests who celebrate Mass and faithful who attend it, as criminals.

IrishCatholic.com (March 28)…

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Officer Eric Talley, RIP

Catholicism Pure & Simple

Before CNN starts politicizing the horrific and senseless slaughter of the 10 people gunned down by a mass shooter at a Boulder, Colorado, supermarket Monday afternoon, let’s remember to pray for this hero cop, Eric Talley, who was killed doing what good cops do: trying to save the lives of others.

Talley was a veteran cop, a traditional Latin Mass Catholic and father of seven children. By all accounts, he represented the very best of our country and the men and women on the front lines of a chaotic culture war that can only get worse so long as we as a nation refuse to turn back to God.

There are simply not enough good cops like Officer Talley to protect us from ourselves once we decide that God’s law no longer matters.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest…

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Untitled Poem by MB

On the eve of the day that would arrive
At hour unknown in feeling unfelt
I saw all nature around me connive
To make into ruins, where I still dwelt.

And in current rest, so full of unease
A fight to sleep on the increasing gale,
For precarious breaths, the howl, appease
And remember each dear former detail.

Await in the narrow noon hour, warm
Shadowless, still, for a minute exact
The sun until now did misinform
Now Burns too brightly and breaks our pact.

Father Faber, an Outstanding 19th Century Priest, Poet, Author and Theologian with a Special Devotion to Our Lady — Catholicism Pure & Simple

A Meditation by Fr. Frederick W. Faber * “His Likeness to His Mother Was One of His Eternal Joys” “He chose his Mother … When we reflect upon the joy which it is to ourselves to think of Mary, to brood upon her supernatural loveliness, and to study the greatness of her gifts and the […]

Father Faber, an Outstanding 19th Century Priest, Poet, Author and Theologian with a Special Devotion to Our Lady — Catholicism Pure & Simple