2017/02/24 by Raymond Ibrahim FrontPage Magazine Pope Francis continues to argue for two interrelated points that, while seemingly humane, compromise Western nations and expose their citizens to danger. He reiterated his first point earlier this month when he said, “I appeal not to create walls but to build bridges.” Francis has made this appeal frequently, both figuratively (when […]

via Pope Francis Tears at History’s Ancient Walls against Islam —

Reflection for Quinquagesima Sunday

Catholicism Pure & Simple

CP&S Note:   In the Extraordinary Form the 26th February 2017 is  Quinqagesima Sunday, which, in days before the Council always preceded the Lenten season, and is now I believe celebrated in the Ordinariate Usage. I apologise for ‘coming in’ on the last of the Gesimas, but, as a preparation for Lent which begins next week, it’s message holds particular relevance.

The Gospel of the Mass, while announcing the Passion reminds us at the same time of the cure of the man who was born blind – an example of the gift of faith which takes us from our blindness, from darkness, and from sin. In the Epistle, St. Paul’s fervent hymn in praise of charity also emphasises that supernatural transformation which the redemption wrought by Christ should affect our human souls.

We at CP&S wish you all a holy and blessed Lent.

The readings: Epistle; 1 Corinthians 13, 1-13    …

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Discovering a Church in Crisis: How Would a Saint Treat the Novus Ordo?

Catholicism Pure & Simple


From Benjamin J. Vail, OFS on 1Peter5

Editor’s note: The following is Part II of a four-part series. You can read Part I here.

The Sacred Liturgy

“Lex orandi, lex credendi.” The order of Mass expresses and teaches Catholic doctrine. The changes to the Mass, sadly, are an example of a break from tradition – a “hermeneutic of rupture” from the past – even if many earnestly desire to see continuity. The prayers of the Mass, use of the vernacular, the priest facing the people, the “sign of peace” among the people, calling the priest a “presider,” changes to the altar and sanctuary, changes to the Lectionary, the multiplication of “Eucharistic Prayers” – any one of these innovations would have been a major change in the Mass. Taken together, the new Mass is fundamentally different from the old Mass. For years as a new Catholic, I had no clear…

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