Who is a Traditional Catholic? – by Father Carota

Father Carota’s post below sums up well what we think about the positive and lasting effects of attending the Latin Mass over the Novus Ordo mass.

Attending the Latin Mass has resulted in the following changes:  Our eyes were opened to the spiritual warfare the devil and his demons are fighting against us every single minute; we realized how we had allowed secularism and modernism to lead our (former) lives, we realized how the negative effects of sin  caused us to make bad decisions; we realized how lost we really were on our path to heaven; and most importantly, we have discovered the (once lost) timeless and priceless treasures of God’s Church.  Please start attending the nearest Latin Mass Church (even if you have to drive hours) for the benefit of your family and the world.  Save the Liturgy and Save the world.



Who Is A Traditional Catholic?

Posted on February 20, 2015 by fc

As traditional Catholics, trying to be faithful to the Catholic Faith and to extend Christendom, we need to take time to reflect on what direction we should take at this very serious time in the world’s history to see what we should do.

Faces of some of the 21 Coptic Christians before they died for Jesus by the ISIS

To start with, we need to define who we are and what is our mission in this short life.

Here are 20 things that many of us Traditional Catholics have discovered and can identify with and what have made us into who we are today.

1.We are simply Catholics who have discovered the buried treasures of God.

2.It started with finding about the Mass of All Ages, (also called the Latin Mass or the Tridentine Mass), when Pope Benedict promulgated the Summorum Pontificum.

3.From this we have discovered the GREAT difference between New Mass, (Also called Novus Ordo Mass), which most of us have only know, and that of the Latin Mass.

4.We have discovered, to our great surprise, that for the first time in Catholic history the Roman Missal was drastically changed by Bugnini and the Concilium, with the support of Pope Paul VI and promulgated in 1969.

5.We have found out that the Latin Mass has been part of the Roman Rite Catholics for centuries and centuries and developed very slowly in tiny increments over these centuries from the Last Supper and the Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross.

6.We have found out that much of the New Mass, (Canon # 2 which is almost exclusively used at all Catholic Masses), and the new rubrics were created by Bugnini and the Concilium.

7.We have found out that the protestant advisers at Vatican II were very successful in helping put together the New Mass and saying it into the vernacular.

8.We can see clearly the emphasis of the Sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary at the Latin Mass.

9.We clearly see that the emphasis in the New Mass is put on the Last Supper and “do this in remembrance” like the protestant Martin Luther desired it to be.

10.We clearly see the protestant emphasis on the congregation and the presider over the assembly versus the emphasis in the Latin Mass of the priest offering Sacrifice in Persona Christi.

11.We experience the man centered gathering at the New Mass where people come to feel good, to look at the priest they like, to do what they want, dress how they want, (sexy women dressed immodestly and men poorly dressed in shorts), talk when they want, hear the homily they want and text when they are bored. Where as in the Latin Mass, it is very quiet, most people dress well and are respectful of Jesus in the Tabernacle, kneel in prayer and women wear veils.

12.We notice people arrive early at the Latin Mass to pray and stay after to give thanks. In the Novus Ordo Mass, some people come late and leave early.

13.At the Novus Ordo Mass we hear mostly man pleasing songs, (hip hop music), with choirs showing off in front of church. Where as at the Latin Mass, the Choir is hidden up in the Choir loft just to support the Holy Latin Mass with organ music and gregorian chant or other ancient sacred hymns, (and many of the songs are in Latin).

14.Then we found out that the New Sacrament Rites of the Catholic Church have eliminated much of the very very important prayers of the Rites, (like exorcisms against the devil), and have been replace by new prayers and rubrics.

15.We see the huge difference contained in the words and rubrics of the Pre-Vatican II Sacraments and for this reason have our children receive the Sacraments in the ancient Latin Rites.

16.We experience the watered down preaching at the New Mass and the deep spiritual and practical preaching at the Latin Mass.

17.We see a lot of talk on love in the Novus Ordo Church but with very little love for saving souls from the devil purgatory or Hell. But the love from the Novus Ordo Catholics is rarely shown to us traditional Catholics, instead they hate us, persecute us and make it almost impossible to have the Sacraments in the ancient Rites that Pope Benedict allowed all Catholics to have since Summorum Pontificum in 2007.

18.We have heard a lot of talk about Ecology and Social Justice at the Novus Ordo Church, but without ever going to the root of these problems, which is personal SIN.

19.We have seen that changes in catechesis has produced the fruits of almost all of our families becoming atheist, agnostic, protestant or non-denominationals. They no longer believe in sin, hear rock or rap music, dress immodestly, live with anyone they want, have children all over the place, get abortions and have serious vices of drug abuse, alcohol abuse and pornography. And they see nothing wrong with their own sins or with homosexual sex or “marriage”.

20.We traditional Catholics believe in the 2000 years of Catholic teachings, practices and tradition. We believe sin is sin as Jesus taught. We believe in the Holy Bible as the actual authoritative Word of God. We believe in obeying the laws of God contained in our Catholic faith. We believe in Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, the devil and his demons. We believe that one mortal sin not repented of and confessed, will lead us to eternal damnation.

More or less this is what we have discovered and believe. Many of us believe that the Vatican II Council was a disaster. The New Church people believe that it is the best thing that happened in the history of the Catholic Church and want to implement it more and more or have an even more liberal Council Vatican III.

On a whole, we traditional Catholics believe that the heresies of modernism, secularism and progressivism, condemned by Pope Pius X, have caused all the problems in the Catholic Church and is very much alive and active today in almost every part of the Church’s Sacraments and hierarchy. The heresy of modernism was condemned in the encyclical Pascendi Domini Gregis by Pope Pius X Sept. 8, 1907