On Liechtenstein

The Traditian Order

I’m sure that most of you have heard of Liechtenstein. Some may have even visited it. I have a special, personal interest in it, because for a time, I was the sworn subject of its Prince. In an article I wrote recently on my personal blog, I explained how that came about, and “realized that there is only one State in the world, still existing, that was a constituent part of the Holy Roman Empire, and that is still ruled by a monarch, i.e. Liechtenstein. The story of how Liechtenstein, as Liechtenstein, became a State of the Empire is fascinating in itself, and is the subject of a future article.” Welcome to that article, which they have asked to re-post on the Traditian Order, of which I am a member.


Staatswappen von Liechtenstein

Before I get into the meat of it, I wonder how many people are aware of…

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April 14 – Sts. Tiburtius Valerian, and Maximus, Martyrs

†The Ecu-Men†


Let us affectionately welcome the brave triumvirate of Martyrs, presented to-day to our Risen Jesus, by the Roman Church of the second century. The first is Valerian, the chaste and noble spouse of Cecily ; he wears on his brow a wreath of roses and lilies : the second is Tiburtius, Valerian’s brother, and, like him, a convert of Cecily’s ; he shows us the triumphant palm he so speedily won : Maxim us is the third ; he witnessed the combat and the victory of the two brothers, imitated their example, and followed them to heaven. The immortal Cecily is the queen of this holy group ; she taught them to be Slartyrs ; she has a right to our remembrance on this day of their Feast. She herself shared in their privilege of being martyred during Paschal Time ; but her Feast is not kept till November, when…

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Easter Sunday

†The Ecu-Men†


(Easter is the Anglo-Saxon word for April, and was derived, as Venerable Bede tells us, (in his Book De ratione Tempore, Ch. 13,) from Eostre, a Goddess of our pagan ancestors. — Others derive Easter from Oest, Oost, the Saxon for Rising, or the East: and hence, Osteren, the Resurrection. — [Tr. from Butler’s Moveable Feasts.])

He is risen: He is not here!

The Night between Saturday and Sunday has well nigh run its course, and the day-dawn is appearing. The Mother of Sorrows is waiting, in courageous hope and patience, for the blissful moment of her Jesus’ return. Magdalene and the other holy Women have spent the Night in watching, and are preparing to start for the Sepulchre. In Limbo, the Soul of our Crucified Lord is about to give the glad word of departure to the myriads of the long-imprisoned holy Souls, who cluster round Him in adoring…

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