January 29 – St Francis de Sales, Bishop

†The Ecu-Men†


The angelical Bishop Francis of Sales has a right to a distinguished position near the Crib of Jesus, on account of the sweetness of his virtues, the childlike simplicity of his heart, and the humility and tenderness of his love. He comes with the lustre of his glorious conquests upon him — seventy-two thousand heretics converted to the Church by the ardour of his charity; an Order of holy servants of God, which he founded; and countless thousands of souls trained to piety by his prudent and persuasive words and writings.

God gave him to his Church at the very time that heresy was holding her out to the world as a worn-out system, that had no influence over men’s minds. He raised up this true minister of the Gospel in the very country where the harsh doctrines of Calvin were most in vogue, that the ardent charity of Francis…

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Sitting Bull Wore a Crucifix

Catholicism Pure & Simple

CP&S comment:  Someinterest has been stirred, both on the blog and off it, on one of the examples of bad and  biased journalism mentioned by Fr George Rutler in his ‘Weekly Column’ that we published yesterday, that of the large Crucifix worn by the Red Indian, Sitting Bull, until his dying day. The well known photo of this famous Indian chief was photoshopped to blot out the Crucifix! Such a powerful witness to the Saviour of Mankind and the instrument of our redemption could not be tolerated by the secular media, even over 100 years ago. Flagrant hostility to Christians by the MSM, and in particular to the Catholic Church, continues to grow increasingly worse in our day. Here is an account of the background to this story by Catholicblogger, Dr Taylor Marshall.


Sitting Bull (sitting) wearing his crucifix

Not long ago, I was speaking…

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January 23 – St Raymund of Pennafort, Confessor

†The Ecu-Men†


The glorious choir of Martyrs, that stands round our Emmanuel, till the day of his Presentation in the Temple, opens its ranks, from time to time, to give admission to the Confessors, whom divine Providence has willed should grace the Cycle, during this sacred season. The Martyrs surpass all the other Saints in number; but, still, the Confessors are well represented. After Hilary, Paul, Maurus, and Antony, comes Raymund of Pennafort, one of the glories of the Order of St. Dominic and of the Church, in the 13th century.

According to the saying of the Prophets, the Messias is come to be our Lawgiver; nay, he is himself our Law. His words are to be the rule of mankind; he will leave with his Church the power of legislation, to the end that she may guide men in holiness and justice, in all ages. As it is his Truth…

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January 22 – St. Vincent & St Anastasius, Martyrs — †Pseudoclasm†

SAINT VINCENT, DEACON AND MARTYR. Vincent, the Victorious, vested in the sacred dalmatic, and holding his palm in his hand, comes, today, to his Jesus’ Crib, and right welcome is he to Stephen, the Crowned, his leader and his brother. Spain is his country. He is a Deacon of the glorious Church of Saragossa, and, […]

via January 22 – St. Vincent & St Anastasius, Martyrs — †Pseudoclasm†

Make the Vatican straight again

Catholicism Pure & Simple

Whatever you make of Milo Yiannopoulos, in this riveting interview with Michael Voris, the controversial author of “Make the Vatican straight again” tackles various topics including politics, Pope Francis and the homosexual crisis in the Church as well as his own personal problems and struggles. Towards the end of the conversation, Voris rather movingly promises to pray for Milo that by God’s grace he will fully overcome his demons and become holy. Whether you watch this lengthy interview or not, do please join in this prayer.

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Leonie Martin, the ‘difficult’ sister of St Thérèse of Lisieux

Catholicism Pure & Simple

On a memorable pilgrimage that I made with my mother to Lisieux in 1997 for the centenary of the death of St Thérèse, we also visited Alençon (birthplace of the Martin sisters) and Caen where Thérèse’s elder sister, Léonie, lived for over 40 years as a Vistatiin nun. We heard her hard story for the first time from the dear sisters at the convent there. They were all convinced that this gentle and prayerful member of their community, who had overcome so many difficulties to become a religious – most of all, that of conquering her own recalcitrant nature – was now a Saint in Heaven. Since then the cause for Léonie’s beatification has been opened.


Throughout the book, Léonie Martin: A Difficult Life, author Marie Baudouin-Croix utilises numerous excerpts from letters written by members of the Martin family that provide candid insights into Léonie’s physical…

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January 21 – Saint Agnes, Virgin & Martyr

Virginity is beautiful.

†The Ecu-Men†

St Agnes Face

How rich is the constellation of Martyrs, which shines in this portion of the sacred Cycle. Yesterday, we had St. Sebastian; tomorrow, we shall be singing the name which means Victory, for it is the Feast of Vincent; and now, to-day, between these two rich palm-branches, we are rejoiced with the lovely rose and lily-wreath of Agnes. It is to a girl of thirteen that our Emmanuel gave this stern courage of martyrdom, which made her meet the enemy with as bold a front as either the valiant Captain of the pretorian band or the dauntless Deacon of Saragossa. If they are the soldiers of Jesus, she is his tender and devoted Spouse. These are the triumphs of the Son of Mary! Scarcely has he shown himself to the world, and lo! every noble heart flies towards him, according to that word of his: Wheresoever the body shall be, there…

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