Attending Mass has become a CRIMINAL OFFENCE in Ireland

Catholicism Pure & Simple

CP&S comment. If this is not a tragic sign of these wicked times we are living in, then what is? The country, once known as the Island of Saints, Catholic Ireland, has locked the doors of her churches to the celebration of Holy Mass and other sacraments. She held out for centuries under great persecution and suffering from the cruel Penal Laws imposed by Henry VIII and his brood, during years of famine, strife and sorrows, but when the 1960s arrived with its growing prosperity and Vatican II, Catholic Ireland started to collapse. So now, after 50+ years of backsliding into consumerism and worldliness, together with an aggressive revisionism and growing antagonism towards her heroic Catholic heritage, Ireland has become a secular country. Some say, even a mostly anti-Catholic one!

The godless Irish government considers priests who celebrate Mass and faithful who attend it, as criminals. (March 28)…

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Officer Eric Talley, RIP

Catholicism Pure & Simple

Before CNN starts politicizing the horrific and senseless slaughter of the 10 people gunned down by a mass shooter at a Boulder, Colorado, supermarket Monday afternoon, let’s remember to pray for this hero cop, Eric Talley, who was killed doing what good cops do: trying to save the lives of others.

Talley was a veteran cop, a traditional Latin Mass Catholic and father of seven children. By all accounts, he represented the very best of our country and the men and women on the front lines of a chaotic culture war that can only get worse so long as we as a nation refuse to turn back to God.

There are simply not enough good cops like Officer Talley to protect us from ourselves once we decide that God’s law no longer matters.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest…

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